Monday, June 14, 2010

The High Line

So after beeing absent for the last couple of months I decided to make a return. Now in New York baby! I decided to come back to my second home (after 2 years) and take a few months to get inspiration in one of the best cities to do so. Though I feel like I never left, a few things have changed since then. One of the things I was most excited to see was the The High Line, which is a park they built on the West Side between the Meat Packing and Chesea districts- though the project is not completely finished, it's second section is to open in 2011. The H.L. is a former railroad built back in the 1930's but stopped running in the 1980's and it was built to help dangerous traffic caused by horses and other trains, and it also helped with transportation of milk and turkey. This month it celebrates it's one year anniversary. Not only the park is completely free it also has exibitions of artists displayed along the park and also free events including fitness programs and concerts. I recommend that if you are in New York you must come and visit and maybe take a bottle of wine with you and sit on one of the long wood chaises and enjoy a starry night, though it does closes it's doors at 10 pm, or simply walk through the park and enjoy the worderful view you get from the top.
To get more information about The High Line visit the website

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